
I have travelled the world for 22 years in search of makers, materials, knowledge and techniques to create products or depth and integrity. In 1996, my journey began. Fascinated by the idea of globalization, I designed a footwear company to match—for global mass consumption, built via mass production. By 2002 I had witnessed firsthand the flaws of mass consumption and mass production. An incessant need for growth via cost-cutting leads to increased technological automation and a reliance on synthetics, materials that can never be destroyed and end up in landfills or oceans. FEIT; (fight) FEIT was born as a response—an evolution of consumerism and production moving away from volume and excess and towards quality and sustainability. FEIT footwear is built for longevity, from natural materials, via human construction, and supported by our care and repair services. All FEIT footwear is hand sewn and hand lasted by a master shoe maker. Few makers are skilled enough to produce footwear in this manner, hence only limited numbers can be produced.

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